"No matter where you are, everyone is always connected" DISCORD!
I would like to say i have 0 clue what im doing, and/or how to do this. Thank you.
Anyways, the random link is to a cool site i found. Thats what this is gonna be until I figure out how to code all this stuff. You guys make it look easy.
Just realized I can do whatever I want on my site.
Me rn
If you like spooky scary stuff and weird things or wtv, ive linked some here!
Ill add more later
Ive always really been into painting and recently while painting, Ive started listening to some documentaries about painters. Their lives and the meanings portrayed by their art.(I cant spell)
Anyways, its very interesting to hear about all of these artist(painters). However, I cant help but remeber one artist in particular... Hans Bellmer.
This guy stood out to me for a few reasons.
1. this guy not only paints, but he also does photography. And if im not mistaken, also did some digital art aswell.
2. the art itself. He uses visuals that are not shy at all. What I mean by that is that, this guy uses life sized, life like, female DOLLS in his works. Isnt that a bit creepy? And thats not even half of it.
3. The meaning behind his art. It is- like most artists- so complex.
Heres a link to an amazing video about this guy and his works
I will also insert some of his art work below. Some may be provocative/Disturbing
See, crazy right?
That reminds me..
There was this one youtube video i was watching about the dark web or sm(STFU) and there was this "doctor" that would take pictures with real severed body parts and fetuses and pose with them. Though no one has got this guy. Thats crazy to me.(I know, i say the word crazy a lot). Onto the next subject that i just now thought about....
Todays subject is.. you guessed it.. UNIT 731. The japaness holocaust.
If you dont already know, this was a... lets just say, a horror fest. However, not many people know about it.
A collection of info off the interwebs..
"Established in 1936, Unit 731 was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes committed by the Japanese armed forces. It routinely conducted tests on people who were dehumanized and internally referred to as "logs". Victims were further dehumanized by being confined in facilities referred to as "log cabins". Experiments included disease injections, controlled dehydration, biological weapons testing, hypobaric pressure chamber testing, vivisection, organ harvesting, amputation, and standard weapons testing. Victims included not only kidnapped men, women (including pregnant women) and children but also babies born from the systemic rape perpetrated by the staff inside the compound. The victims also came from different nationalities, with the majority being Chinese and a significant minority being Russian. Additionally, Unit 731 produced biological weapons that were used in areas of China not occupied by Japanese forces, which included Chinese cities and towns, water sources, and fields. All prisoners within the compound were killed to conceal evidence, and there were no documented survivors." quoted from
shut up, ik its wikip
However, the bio weapons produced by these people effected people that werent even in the camp.
An incureable disease..
This is a very informational video about it... rotten leg disease. RLD
Another in more detail. Click me.
Another. Click me.
Now to give you the most terrifying docs ever... PHILOSOPHY OF A KNIFE POAK
no more of this
If you like 90s/early 2000s psyc anime movies/shows, have i got a collection for you... here are some that i have found and now im in love with
Ive been thinking recently... about all the weird things that go on on the internet. Soooo thats why in this section, im going to talk about all the strange things I have come across on the interwebs...
Oh also! Dont forget to join the discord!